Jude Boudreaux Featured in CNBC Article

Jude Boudreaux, CFP®, Senior Financial Planner at The Planning Center, was recently featured in a CNBC article that discussed building a financial to-do list for 2025. Featured advisors, including Jude, highlighted paying off debt, prioritizing mindful spending, and creating a personal investment policy statement as a few of the crucial money moves to headline your financial resolutions for the new year.

Jude expanded on the idea of mindful and intentional spending, further diving into the importance of aligning your budget with your goals to begin the year. “A little bit of time spent on understanding your actual spending and then deciding if it lines up with your goals and values is time very well spent,” said Boudreaux. Developing an awareness about where your money is going is key to identifying what specific financial changes may be beneficial.

Read the full article for more.

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