Romance and Finance: Growing Wealth as a Young Couple

As newlyweds, you’re entering a beautiful new chapter of love, partnership, and—wait for it—shared bank accounts. Marriage is all about compromise, from deciding who gets the last slice of pizza to figuring out who’s responsible for paying the bills. And when it comes to money, it’s less about whose turn it is to buy dinner and more about aligning your financial goals. It could be splurging on a vacation or saving for the future.

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Financial Literacy: A Tool for All Ages

While it may be true that “knowledge is power,” it’s still surprising how little knowledge most people have about money, saving, and investing. Recently a popular financial website gave a quiz on investing concepts, asking questions about very basic concepts like what stock ownership means, the definition of diversification, and the effects of compound interest. The average respondent was able to answer just under half of the questions correctly (48%).

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Matt Knoll Featured in CNBC Article

Greg Iacurci, Personal Finance writer at CNBC, recently interviewed @Matt Knoll, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, for an article on why fewer Americans are buying life insurance.

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Smart Tips for Charitable Giving

A recent survey indicates that many donors still have questions about how they can make their giving more effective. In fact, two-thirds of those surveyed said that while they’d like to give more, they are concerned by factors that make it more difficult for them to give as much as they’d really like to.

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