Jude Boudreaux Featured in Investopedia Article

Jude Boudreaux, CFP®, Senior Financial Planner at The Planning Center, was recently featured in an Investopedia article titled “Some People Expect More Than $1 Million In Inheritance. Are You One Of Them?” The piece discusses a Northwestern Mutual Survey in which roughly a third (32%) of millennials thought they’d receive an inheritance, while only 22% of Boomers said they plan to leave a financial gift behind. The survey showcases the importance of having meaningful financial conversations with family members in order to avoid such misunderstandings.

Jude expanded on this idea and pointed out that discussions about money more often come from a place of care then they do personal gain. “I encourage families to talk about this,” said Boudreaux. “It is emotional and those conversations can be challenging, but there’s so much positive that can come out of it.” Read the full article for more.

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