Jude Boudreaux Featured in ThinkAdvisor Article

Jude Boudreaux, CFP®, Senior Financial Planner at The Planning Center, was recently featured in a ThinkAdvisor Retirement Planning article titled “Are Boomers Hoarding Wealth From Their Millennial Children?” The piece, inspired by a popular social media thread about a financially struggling millennial couple who learn about their fathers’ significant wealth, discusses the importance of communication.

Jude highlighted that tension between generations, while sometimes elevated by financial issues, is often more a result of a lack of communication within a family. “Finding ways for parents and children to be able to talk about money is challenging, but ultimately very healthy,” Boudreaux said. “I do think giving those smaller amounts can be extremely beneficial, especially when children are perhaps faced with bills for their own children and are earlier in their careers.”

Read the full article for helpful tips and information about financial discussions, retirement planning, and more.

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