Your Insights

Jude Boudreaux Featured in CNBC Article

In a recent article published by CNBC about couples and financial stress, Jude Boudreaux, a certified financial planner and senior financial planner with The Planning Center in New Orleans, emphasizes the importance of communication in overcoming financial conflicts.

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Matt Knoll Featured in CNBC Article

Greg Iacurci, Personal Finance writer at CNBC, recently interviewed @Matt Knoll, CFP®, Senior Financial Advisor, for an article on why fewer Americans are buying life insurance.

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JJ Sessions Quoted in USA Today

In a fascinating article from USA Today, JJ Sessions provides valuable insight into the intricacies of inheriting a Roth IRA. As a guest, Sessions delves into

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Jude Boudreaux featured in CNBC

Embark on a financial empowerment journey as Jude teams up with CNBC to unveil strategic methodologies for alleviating tax burdens within your retirement portfolio. In this

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