Upperline Financial Planning – Big News Week!

As a small business owner, you work to generate good press for your firm.  Sometimes it feels like those efforts are going nowhere.  Other times, you have a week of incredible results.  It’s been one of those incredible weeks.

I was featured on the Wall Street Journal’s Financial Adviser blog.  I still can’t believe it myself.  I’m also really proud of the points that I made in the interview, specifically about working with clients outside of the typical asset management arrangement.  It’s a really critical issue for young professional clients, and one that I’m proud to be on the leading edge of.

Yesterday, my latest issue of the Journal of Financial Planning arrived with my first article.  I was invited last year to start contributing as a regular columnist for the Money and Soul column and I’m really honored to be asked.  My article is about Succession Planning for Financial Planning Firms, which I believe is a critical issue as the industry matures.

On the same day, my interview in Financial Planning Magazine was published.  It covers many of the same topics mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article, but also a little more in depth about the reasons behind starting my own firm.  It’s really exciting to build a business based on your values, focused on expanding the access to Fee-Only Financial Planning beyond its traditional boundaries.

It’s a great honor to be in these publications at all, and just an amazing coincidence that it all happened at the same time.  Thanks to all of you who are out there reading and cheering us on as we try to show that a new model in financial planning can work!


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